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Measuring the baking process

If you want to save time and energy while at the same time achieving the best possible results for the painting process, allow us to adjust the baking process free of charge so that we can achieve these goals together. We offer to measure and optimize the baking process of powder coatings for all our customers, as well as technical advice on the entire painting process. The baking process is analysed by placing sensors directly on the painted product. They measure the temperature in the furnace and then provide us with data from which we can obtain information on the percentage hardening for different types of powder coatings. For example, we often find that the temperature in the furnace is actually different from the set temperature, or that the temperature is not the same across all parts of the furnace. Thanks to this critical data, we can make adjustments in the process settings for the hardening oven or recommend its modification or repair. This way we not only achieve perfect colour hardening, but also savings in time and energy. This will make the whole process cheaper, more efficient and at the same time more environmentally friendly for you.

You can arrange the measurement of the baking process in your powder coating shop with us by phone or e-mail.
