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Europolveri S.p.A. is an Italian company engaged in the production of powder coatings. It was established in 1982 through the acquisition of one of the first powder coating manufacturers in Europe with more than 20 years of experience. Altogether, Europolveri boasts 50 years of experience in the chemical industry. In addition, the company is known for its ability to understand and anticipate market trends, the constant quality control of its products and its focus on investing in research and technology. All of this has allowed Europolveri to gain and maintain a leading position in the production of powder coatings.

Europolveri now has a production plant spread over more than 20,000 m2. A plant where several fully automatic production lines and fully robotic packaging and storage systems buzz with energy, where the production and storage process is constantly centrally monitored and all development is planned with a view to the future.

This background and extensive experience enable Europolveri to satisfy market requirements not only in terms of quality and quantity, but also with a wide selection of products, which have become very popular in the Czech and Slovak Republics thanks to our distribution.
